a new year
2005-01-14 - 9:09 p.m.

Conclusion, and a New Beginning
2004-11-06 - 1:54 p.m.

2004-09-01 - 6:19 p.m.

2004-08-23 - 5:24 p.m.

where I went, and where I'm going
2004-07-27 - 8:05 a.m.

back to school blast
2003-03-31 3:59 p.m.

The City of PFunk didn't want us to think that it ws letting us off easy - so after a gorgeous week, it's back to random-ass snow, interspersed with random 40-degree blasts every few hours that melt the snow.

Thanks, PFunk. I'll sure miss this city when I'm on my internship. Not.


I spent this past weekend being a good consumer - Laklak and I went - DUM DA DUM - to the mall.

I didn't buy much - a red dress and 40's style halter top from Charlotte Russe and a new pair of khaki colored pants from New York & Company. I love New York & Company, or NY&Co. - they're practically the only retailer that sells cute pants that don't expose my damn ass crack...

Crazy whippersnapper kids and their low-riders!

I exhibited remarkable self-control by purchasing a total of *nothing* from the Express OR the Limited. I should totally get a medal or something.


Shopping has become such a complicated endeavor. I was happy-ish with my body as it settled after high school - during high school I was tiny (5'5" and 110 pounds on a bad day), but my curves began a little hyperdrive and I gained about 10 pounds by junior year.

That was fine, because I was a little underweight back then anyway. But then...senior year of college, puberty somehow started again. I got slightly taller, my hips got even wider (I could probably pop out 5 kids at once-no problem), and my chest size increased by a cup size and a half.

I remember laughing at my old friend Lauren when she complained that her boobs were getting bigger, and I told her that was a good problem to have.

Riiight. Now all of my clothes that used to emphasize my old average-sized bust just look sluttier than the Moulin Rouge ladies on a bad day, and finding clothes that fit is a labor in futility.

Of course, I don't have the money to spend, even if the clothes did fit. Technically, I do, but I don't know if the apartment I get in the Bay Area will require all the money up-front. So I need to be frugal.


Laklak and I spent a good deal of time together during Spring Break. It was good for us. I got caught up on the wacky exploits of her and her boyfriend - as well as her numerous grad school options. (She got into 3 schools, and waitlisted at the 4th.)

She'll probably end up coming here to my grad program, and I just hope that she has a better time of it than me.


Rehearsals for the play begin again tonight - I fear that they will resemble a train wreck both in aural assault and physical carnage. I can only pray the end is swift in coming.


Sometimes I wonder if my friends and I really like board games at all. We play them all the time, but we're very poor losers. Maybe we're all just masochists.


Well, I'm going to take an eye-strain break... I'm sure I'll procrastinate... I mean, post... again soon.




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