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9:42 p.m. - 2004-05-19
no one told us we were COOL
We interrupt this E3 coverage for some News of the Absurd.

If you've been overly active in the entertainment news sites lately, you may have read a story about John M@yer doing a free concert at a certain high school's prom.

That's my old high school.

The guy who arranged the concert, as well as other concerts from Maroon 5 and Eve 6 at the school? One of my brother's close friends. (The guy's sister also is trying to get my littlest brother to date her.)

Also. As it turns out, someone wrote a book centered around the school and its prom. Apparently Readers Digest voted our school's prom one of the 100 Best Things in America.

Getting absurd, right?

Our school, rather than going to a hotel, holds the prom in its own heavily-decorated halls, and entrances are sort of like a deranged Academy Awards with people arriving in helicopters and Radio Flyer wagons with bleachers set up for spectators.

Anyway. The piece de resistance here is that it turns out that Paramount Pictures and MTV have optioned the movie rights to the book and will soon begin production on a feature film about my high school. Working title: "Pennsbury."

Dude. This shit is fucked up. Amy (my coworker who also graduated from PHS) and I have been wracking our brains all week, and we just don't remember the prom being all that and a bag of chips. Let alone the school itself being "cool enough" for an MTV feature film.

And my little brother Kyle still attends the school, so he's totally wrapped up in all of this. Next year is *his* senior prom.

That should be interesting.

[The ultimate irony would be if SimParentCompany obtained rights to make a video game based on the movie based on my high school experience. At that point we'd have circular irony and quite possibly a rip in the space time continum.]

So, Hollywood, if you want to make a movie about my former high school, you should cast me in it, as I am uniquely qualified for the role. Have your people call my cubicle.



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